R-TEM : A Broader Perspective

Real-time Telecom Expense Management or R-TEM…  This term has been gaining more prominence in the Enterprise Communications Lifecycle Management (ECLM) arena as smart mobility adoption picks up speed globally.  What is R-TEM?  It’s a recent invention aimed at increasing the visibility of smart mobility devices usage from a voice and data perspective.  In other words, R-TEM is an approach to smart mobility expenditure management where detailed call records are recorded and reported (via a software application installed on the smart device), either individually by device or at an aggregate level from a group of devices, and reports are generated to outline (at summary, detailed, and analytic levels) the usage and cost patterns for the device(s).  Other  distinct features include alarms and notifications for when the mobile user have exceeded predefined usage thresholds or when they have crossed geographical boundaries which would involve more expensive roaming options.

Taking a more introspective approach and extending the true meaning of R-TEM, we should not confine ourselves to just focusing on mobility device coverage and look beyond into other areas that fall within this umbrella term as well.  For instance, the fundamentals of call accounting for PABX devices takes the same approach as call accounting for mobile devices (R-TEM).  Both focus on the collection of call usage details, or Call Detail Records (CDRs) in more technical terms, from their respective devices.  This is how we, at StrateValue, feel true R-TEM should truly be defined.  If we were to talk strictly about call accounting for mobility, shouldn’t the label more appropriately be called R-Mobile Expense Management (R-MEM) or R-Wireless Expense Management (R-WEM) instead?  As such, R-TEM should cover a broader scope of telecom expenditures which blankets a larger spectrum of telecom devices with utility cost  implications.  This is something to think about as the ELCM market matures and more standards and best practices are put into place to define the industry.

Recently, Mobile Device Management (MDM) vendors have been keen to integrate R-TEM software into their product and service offerings.  They saw this as a way to bridge the gap between the device management and the expenditure management worlds and offer greater combined value to their clients.  However, this approach has created some confusion and fragmentation in the Mobile Expense Management (MEM) and MDM markets.  Here’s why:

Holistically, R-TEM is a component of the broader ECLM framework where R-TEM perfectly marries the two worlds of MDM and MEM by providing elements of device management and expenditure management features rolled into one solution.  However, if we were to look at the R-TEM market today, the focus is more skewed towards an MDM framework.  This has created fragmentation in the market where R-TEM is promoted as an independent solution to help mobile users control their costs through device notifications and expenditure usage reporting at the mobile device levels.  There is very little integration and tie-in to an MEM framework which involves invoice processing, bill auditing, strategic sourcing, and other lifecycle elements that is so important to mobility expenditure management.

In summary, R-TEM is a powerful tool that brings significant benefits to mobile users from a device management and expenditure management perspective.  Due to the immaturity of the industry, the full benefits of R-TEM isn’t yet realised nor is it being properly promoted.  Only when we have true integration with a more holistic approach to folding R-TEM into the broader ECLM framework will we fully realise the true cost and productivity benefits of R-TEM.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly if you would like to discuss about anything related to this blog or about anything related to StrateValue’s business.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.


StrateValue Team

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